What You Need to Know About Your Pleasurecraft

If you own or operate recreational watercraft in Canada, you are subject to various federal and provincial rules and regulations. All pleasurecraft used for recreational purposes are governed by these regulations. The following is a summary of some of the requirements which you should know. Refer to the most recent version of the Safe Boating […]

What You Need to Know About Riding Your ATV, ORV, or Snowmobile in Ontario.

The following is a summary of the requirements of the Off Road Vehicles Act and the Motorized Snow Machines Act in Ontario. ATV’s and Off Road Vehicles in Ontario. If you own or operate an All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) or any off road vehicle in Ontario, you are subject to the rules and regulations of […]

What You Need to Know About Water Damage

Due to severe weather events, an aging infrastructureincapable of accommodating excess water flow, andthe use of more water using appliances, water damageclaims are on the rise. ON THE RISE What are the Common Sources of Water Damage? • Basement flooding from either sewer backup or sump pump failure;• Burst pipes from aging or frozen plumbing […]

Take Inventory of your Home

Don’t wait until you have to make an insurance claim for damaged, lost or stolen property to make a detailed list of your household possessions. The added stress and anxiety of the moment will make it difficult to remember and make a record of all your belongings. Instead, take the time to make a home […]

Pandemic Update – Message to Policyholders

West Wawanosh Mutual is working diligently to better understand and respond to the unusual circumstances you may be facing during these troubling and unprecedented times. Please know, we’re listening and striving to make the most informed decisions during this complex and evolving situation. To Our Valued Policyholders April 24, 2020 Our commitment to you, our Policyholders, […]

Be Prepared: Auto Accident Checklist

Keep a copy of this Auto Accident Checklist in your vehicle glove box. IN CASE OF AN ACCIDENT, REMAIN CALM check for injuries, DO NOT MOVE injured persons. Be aware of approaching vehicles and take extra precautions. If safe to do so and vehicles are operating safely, move vehicle out of traffic. CALL POLICE and […]